petek, 23. oktober 2015

Domači čokoladni liker.../ Homemade Chocolate liquor...

English version at the bottom!!

Pri nas že nekaj let prakticiramo drobne decembrske pozornosti, ki imajo osebno noto in domač čokoladni liker je eden izmed teh pozornosti. Priprav je nadvse preprosta in poleg tega je tudi cenovno ugodnejše od kupljenega. Menim, da prijatelje in poslovne partnerje najbolj razveselijo drobne pozornosti, ki so narejene z ljubeznijo, zato jih letos le presenetite z domačim čokoladnim likerjem.

Homemade chocolate liquor

  • 1 l mleka
  • 200 g čokolade v prahu
  • 0,5 l ruma
  • 80 dag sladkorja


Pripravimo čokolado v prahu in 0,5 l mleka, ter ju zmešamo skupaj.

Pripravimo preostanek mleka in sladkor.

Pristavimo na nizki ogenj ter mešamo dokler se sladkor ne stopi.

Ko se sladkor stopi, primešamo mleko s čokolado. Če želimo bolj gosti čokoladni liker, enostavno primešamo čokoladni puding.

Na nizkem ognju kuhamo nekaj minut in nato počakamo, da se ohladi. Ko je ohlajeno primešamo rum. Dobili bomo okoli 1,7 l likerja.

In naš liker je pripravljen. Enostavno ne?


A few years now we are practicing tiny December attentions with a personal touch and a homemade chocolate liquor is one of those attentions. Preparation is very simple and it is also cheaper than purchased. I believe that friends and business partners like small attentions that are made with love and therefore this year surprise them with homemade chocolate liquor.

We will need:
  •  1 l  milk
  • 200 g of chocolate powder
  • 0.5 l rum
  • 80 dag sugar
Prepare chocolate powder and 0.5 liters of milk and mix it together.
Prepare the reast of the milk and sugar.
Put milk and sugar on low heat and mix till the sugar dissloves.
Add milk and chocolate. If you want creamy structure just add chocolate puding.
Stir a little bit and cool it down.
Add rum and prepare the bottles. You will get around 1,7 l of fluid.
And that is all! Easy isn't it? Enjoy!

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